Enroll (grades 7-8)


Camp Dates:  June 16-21, 2025 (Monday – Saturday)

Girls currently enrolled in 7th or 8th grade who are new to B-WISER science camp should complete the online B-WISER registrationIf you access the form with the same computer or device, you should be able to continue or edit the registration form later.  If you use a different device, you might need to re-enter your information.  NOTE that campers will need to enter their SCIENCE TEACHER’S EMAIL address in order to complete the form.

Prior B-WISER campers currently in 9th or 10th grade are encouraged to register for the B-WISEST science camp, which includes advanced science topics and college readiness programs.

B-WISER registration will be accepted until the deadline of April 30 or the camp reaches capacity, whichever comes first.  In addition to the registration form (and any documentation associated with scholarships), full payment must be received to hold your place, and all payments are due by April 30th.  We accept online payments by electronic transfer through your bank account (no fee) or credit card (fees apply).  If paying by check, please make it payable to: The College of Wooster, and write “B-WISER” in the memo. 

Mail to:
B-WISER Science Camp
The College of Wooster Physics Department
308 E. University St.
Wooster, OH 44691

If you are unable to access the online registration, call or email B-WISER.  Please provide your camper’s name and mailing address.

Pricing structure:

The cost of running this non-profit program is over $1000 per camper; this includes room, board, and supplies, as well as the shared costs of instructors, facilities, and presenters.  We ask that families with the ability to pay the full cost consider contributing this amount to support the program.  However, B-WISER aims to be accessible to all.  Inability to pay should not be a barrier to attending the camp.  B-WISER works to raise funds via gifts and grants in order to offer a subsidized rate, so that any interested student might attend.  The 2025 subsidized camp fee is $660.  In addition, students who qualify for Ohio’s free and reduced school meals program are encouraged to apply for financial aid scholarships to further reduce the cost.

The minimum price before scholarships is $660, but those with the means to cover the full cost for their camper are asked to pay up to $1000.  The quality of the program is strengthened by your ability and willingness to cover the cost of attendance.  We also welcome and appreciate any donations.

Enrollment confirmation notification:

Registrations are processed on a rolling basis, and generally confirmation notices are sent within a week.  (Please contact us if you do not hear back within 2-weeks.)  Payment must be received for registration to be considered complete and to hold your spaceEveryone who has submitted a complete registration with payment by the deadline will be notified no later than May 5.  No refunds for cancellations after May 7.  

After registration is confirmed, campers and parents/guardians will also need to complete, sign, and return a number of forms including the liability waiver, emergency medical authorization, and additional medication information.  The links for these forms will be emailed and are available under Parent Info & Forms.  Required forms should be received no later than May 30.  Campers will not be able to attend if their file is incomplete.

If camp reaches capacity before the registration deadline, a notice will be posted on the website and the registration link will be closed. 

Updated: 01/06/2025