B-WISEST stands for buckeye women in science – enhanced skills training.
B-WISEST science camp is a component of the B-WISER project and is open to young women currently in 9th or 10th grade. The 2025 camp will incorporate advanced science lab classes. The program will also include sessions on college-readiness and some leadership experiences.
B-WISEST camp will take place at the same time as B-WISER camp: June 16-21, 2025.
Campers will engage in a wide variety of lab-based classes and projects covering topics in astronomy, botany & bugs, cosmetic chemistry, forensic chemistry, environmental science, microbiology, neuropsychology, computer science, radiation, and engineering. Students will also attend seminars focused on college-readiness; examples include a college application how-to session, attending college in the age of AI, and a panel discussion with college STEM majors. Campers will also participate in some leadership experiences, such as designing an activity for the younger B-WISER campers and assisting with other activities. (Leadership activities will occupy less than one hour each day.)
B-WISEST has reach capacity for summer 2025, so registration is currently closed.
We are delighted to have extended capacity for B-WISEST 2025, and many of the students on the waitlist have been contacted about a space becoming available. Students still on the waitlist will be contacted no later than March 31 with an update on their status.
If you would like to be added to the waitlist, please email BWISERcamp@wooster.edu. And we hope that those unable to enroll this year will attend next year! B-WISEST is open to rising 10th and 11th grade girls.
The subsidized camp fee for 2025 is $660. Please use the electronic payment portal, or checks can be written to The College of Wooster and note “B-WISEST camp” in the memo. Checks should be mailed to B-WISER Science Camp, The College of Wooster Physics Department, 308 E. University St, Wooster, OH 44691.
B-WISEST camp has a very limited number of financial aid scholarships available worth $160 off the camp fee. If you would like to apply for a financial aid scholarship, please email BWISERcamp@wooster.edu. The same qualification criteria apply to both camps.