Highlights of Camper Surveys

Surveys of the most recent campers reveal that B-WISER does well at meeting its short-term objectives.  Summer 2024 campers showed increased confidence in and understanding of science, rating their knowledge of various scientific topics an average of 1.3 point higher at the end of the camp on a 5-point scale.  When surveyed about how well B-WISER camp met specific goals, campers gave an average score of 4.3 out of 5, and the overall score for satisfaction with their B-WISER experience was 4.6 out of 5, with 100% recommending the program.

Surveys of campers 5 years after participating in B-WISER also reflect the long-term success of the program.  On average, B-WISER participants took 1.9 more science classes than the typical high school student, with 73% of camp alumnae indicating that B-WISER had a significant impact on which courses they have taken. 100% of respondents plan to attend college, and 87% plan to take science courses in college.  Prior campers were asked about how well B-WISER met specific goals based on a 5-point scale (with 3=neutral).  Campers average score was 4.3 regarding B-WISER increasing their interest and 4.1 for increasing their confidence in science.

Sample TESTIMONIALS from prior campers:

“I LOVED B-WISER camp! I learned so much about many different areas of science, and I had so much fun! I also made really strong friendships bonding over science.”

“My experience at camp was very fun. I was shy and didn’t know anyone at camp, but the counselors helped me feel at home, and I was able to step out of my comfort zone, make new friends, and discover the fun in science!”

“This camp has truly inspired me to go to college and pursue a degree of science. The friendships and connections I have made through this camp have been so beneficial for me. This camp made me who I am and every young girl in stem should have this experience!”

“I loved B-WISER and still remember everything I accomplished. Throughout middle school, I attended three different science camps, and I’d have to say that B-WISER was my favorite.”

“This camp really opened me up to all of the possibilities that I could have with a science career! I’m planning on getting my doctorate degree in audiology!”